Our Services

Breast Care

Bellevue Woman’s Center offers a full range of breast health services, from diagnostic tests like mammograms to breast surgery.

Woman Receiving a Mammogram at Bellevue

Breast Care

At Bellevue Woman’s Center, we provide the full range of breast health services, from diagnostic testing to breast surgery, to help support your breast health. We understand women’s unique healthcare needs and offer compassionate care suited to those needs.

The earlier that breast cancer is diagnosed, the better your treatment options and the better the chances for possible outcomes. That’s why it’s our goal to diagnose cancer as early as possible with comprehensive diagnostic services.

You can help us keep an eye on your breast health by performing your exams at home. You should talk to your doctor if you develop any of these symptoms:

  • Lumps in your breasts
  • Changes in the texture of your breasts, such as puckering or dimpling
  • Changes in size or shape of your breast
  • Pushed-in or misshapen nipples

Don’t panic if you find one of these symptoms; your breasts can change with your hormone cycles throughout the month. However, you should call your physician so they can assess any changes in your breasts.

Breast Exams and Mammography

Every year or when you notice symptoms like those above, your doctor will perform a clinical breast exam. During the exam, your doctor will:

  • Talk to you about any possible symptoms you are having
  • Look for changes in your breasts and the skin on your breasts
  • Check the nipples for changes or issues such as discharge
  • Palpate your breast tissue and underarm to feel for lumps

While clinical exams may detect changes, the gold standard in diagnosing breast cancer early is digital mammography. Mammograms, a noninvasive X-ray of your breasts, can detect abnormalities in your breasts long before you can feel them.

At Bellevue Woman’s Center, we offer screening mammograms for women age 50 or older and for younger women with a high risk for breast cancer due to family history or genetics. You should talk to your doctor to learn if a screening mammogram is right for you.

We also provide diagnostic mammograms to determine if there is a problem if you or your doctor do find changes or lumps in your breasts. In addition to a diagnostic mammogram, you may benefit from breast ultrasound or other noninvasive diagnostic tests.

We are dedicated to the health of all women at Bellevue Woman’s Center. We offer free mammograms to qualified women who do not have insurance or who are underinsured. Learn if you qualify by asking about this program when you make your mammography appointment.

Breast Surgery

If you require care for breast cancer, rest assured we offer the treatments you need, including breast surgery. We offer a wide range of breast surgeries, including:

Doctor and Patient Discuss Breast Cancer at Bellevue
  • Lumpectomies
  • Quadrantectomies
  • Simple mastectomies
  • Skin-sparing and nipple-sparing mastectomies
  • Modified and radical mastectomies
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsies
  • Axillary dissections
  • Oncoplastic breast surgery
  • Radiotherapy catheter placement
  • Punch biopsies
  • Incision and drainage

Your breast surgeon will work closely with oncologists, radiation oncologists, and plastic surgeons to plan the best treatment for you.

Breast Care Support

We know how difficult the diagnosis of breast cancer can be. You may feel scared, depressed, or even angry. Your treatment plan may feel overwhelming.

We strive to support you throughout your breast cancer treatment by offering a Breast Health Nurse Navigator. A Nurse Navigator is a registered nurse who supports you and helps you throughout your treatment. Your Nurse Navigator might help you schedule appointments in a timely manner, help you fill out paperwork, work with your insurance company or find other services you need.

The Nurse Navigator also meets with you one-on-one to help explain your treatment and answer your questions. Your Nurse Navigator will be with you when you have abnormal findings through diagnostic testing, treatment, and survivorship.

You can also find the support you need through our Healing Thru Sharing support group. This group allows you to meet with other women currently undergoing breast cancer treatment or who have survived breast cancer. It’s a valuable, compassionate space where you can find answers and share your struggles, as well as learn coping techniques.

Whether you are having your first screening mammogram or battling breast cancer, we offer the support and care you need for better breast health.

Ellis Medicine offers mammography at Bellevue Woman’s Center in Niskayuna and Ellis Health Center in Schenectady. Appointments can be made online at ellismedicine.org or by calling 518.243.3333.

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